Wednesday, July 21, 2010


"I Love You, I Need You"
For the next few nights this week, I've been told to let my soul go flying out my lua'uhane. The "soul pit," according to Hawaiian mythology, is located in the tear duct of the eye. I was further instructed to let my "backlog of stored-up tears rain down on the secret garden" that I have been neglecting. Now any thick-skinned New Yorker would be quick to brush off this fucking froofy piece of advice. Like, "Suck it up, you buncha hairy-backed Mary's." Right??

But think about it. We New Yorkers who work full time (and if you're like me, "full time" in NYC rarely means less than 65+ hours/week) are laden with stress and anxiety, and the accessories that accompany these nasty little beasts. For this New Yorker it means nightmares, hypertension, heart problems, and emotional failure at the complete lack of time I have for a long distance relationship with the person I love and care about more than anything.

As I opened the e-luv (as I prefer to think of it) that included an mp3 from my dear friend Emilie - a kindred who I know is quite familiar with all the feelings I have thus described - I could think of nothing more fitting than the words "I love you, I need you."

While this all may seem to you like nothing more than the rantings of one rather frazzled, sleep-deprived, emotionally unstable young woman, I beg you to go against the NY grain and listen to this song with an open heart.

It is with this in mind that I give you the following song by LA BIG VIC, entitled "LYNY":

Let your soul soar out through your soul pit. Let it pour, if need be.

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